Why Debate is an Important Part of Our Civilization

One thing I believe vital for becoming better as a human and a society rests on a simple yet profound idea that I believe undergirds all the ideals that make a society function well. This is the idea of freedom of speech, an idea, though seen as innate, has not been the norm for the majority of human existence. I find freedom of speech to have unparalleled value in the world because it allows humans to do one thing without fear of repercussion: debate (argue, argumentation, whatever you would like to call it).

When I speak of debate, I do not talk about simple disagreement. Debate is a way (I believe the best) to test and find what ideas best match reality. It is not done by simply telling someone he is wrong but giving him a logical reason supported by evidence for why his thinking is in error (Do not do this with your significant other. It will not end well).

I believe this capacity to disagree, to tell a person he is wrong, to be told I am wrong, to debate without fear of repercussions and with the protection of the government will allow a society to grow and prosper. I believe that any society will better grow and prosper if it adopts the idea of freedom of speech.

Besides societies improving because of this idea, I believe the rule also applies to individuals. If you expose yourself to others ideas, test them logically against evidence, allow others to test your ideas, and disagree with others in this way, you will grow as a person. You will not only grow as a person, but the chance of you reaching your full potential will be much more impossible than if your ideas are never tested.

The testing of your ideas may feel overwhelming (or even terrifying for some), but we are meant to be with other people; we are meant to grow through our interactions with them, to be pruned and develop as fuller, healthier human beings.

Perhaps you think that everything I am saying is complete crap. If you do, give it an honest try. Give it a sufficient amount of time to see whether the advice does play out well for you in the end.

If you enjoy this thought, here are a few of my podcast episodes you might enjoy: One Logic, On Super Mario and Modern Art, On the Usefulness of Art, On Learning to Write Better, On Celebrity Worship

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