Shakespeare Effect: Classic Literature, Double Standards

Shakespeare is heralded as the top writer in English, but I just think most people have convinced themselves they like him when they really don’t. On this 46th Episode of How to Write Good, I discuss the elevating issues in the plays of Shakespea… No, I don’t. On this week’s episode, I discuss how I believe that individuals in the English literature world believe that they enjoy Shakespearean plays. When studying him, I noticed the tendency to assume Shakespeare was a genius and therefore look at how Shakespeare is a genius first, rather than first looking at Shakespeare to see whether his plays have merit in our modern world. Join me this week and find out how you can make someone famous. As always, rate How to Write Good on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts (but especially iTunes). If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On How to Read as a Writer, On Writing and Empathy, On Noticing the Little Things

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