Failing, Rebooting, and Starting Over

This week on How to Write Good, I talk about starting over. One of my biggest fears is that I am doing something wrong and that I am going to find years down the road that because I have been doing something wrong, I will have wasted my time. I think a lot of people think the same way. This stops a lot of people from moving forward. For those of you who are starting out, the answer is planning and perseverance (easier said than done), but what about those of us who have found yourself at a point of failure? What about those of us who have spent the time and have the choice to give up or start over? We often think that we are starting at square one again, but that is not really true. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Celebrity Worship, On Changes in Music Culture, On Empathy

I could not find a way to share the pictures of my car accident easily. Maybe someday. 🙂

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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