Having Children: Writing and Being Better

We are going to deviate from writing itself to talk about an idea that I believe is one of the most important things in life. Most people have children. Some people are good parents, and some parents make me feel sorry for their children. One of the biggest gifts that I think any parent can give to their children is that of sacrifice. It is part of being a parent. Some people become bitter about the sacrifice they have to make for their children, but perhaps if a person is willing to sacrifice, they can become aware that the depth of their life is greater because of that sacrifice. Sacrifice does not just mean giving up material things for your children. It also means becoming uncomfortable when training your child how to act by fighting against your own fear to show your child not to fear, to encourage your child to risk when it is appropriate, even when that risk scares you as well, and to let your children grow up when the time comes. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Fantasy Literature, On Childhood Amnesia, On Character Change

This episode is dedicated to my parents. They have certainly given up so much to provide for their children.

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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