How to Write Dialogue: Creating Nuanced Speech

How to write dialogue is something I even wonder about, because I don’t know if good dialogue is necessarily copying exactly what we here in life.  When you read a book or when you watch a movie, one thing that grabs you is what the characters say. Oftentimes, it is not the action sequences we remember in a movie (unless you are watching fight scenes in Oldboy), it is the dialogue. I am sure you know where the following quotes come from: “Why so serious?” “No. I am your father.” “Well, do ya, punk?” “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” These, among other quotes, elicit specific emotions and ideas in our minds. Within stories, I would even go so far as to say that dialogue carries a story forward in the most powerful way. Today, we will be looking at how to approach and how to write dialogue. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Story Development, On Egocentrism, On Short Term Memory and Creative Writing

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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