Being an Entrepreneur and a Writer

Being an entrepreneur is was not my plan when I decided I wanted to write, but I think it is important to consider it if you want to.  When you are a young writer (i.e. a new writer), you have big dreams. You are going to write your first book. You are going to send the book off to a publisher. That publisher is going to see your genius, and you are going to be world famous. And what does becoming world famous get you? It allows you to lock yourself in a cave months at a time, crank out books, and never have to talk to another human again (I can only dream). But it does not work out like that for more than 99% of writers. Most writers throughout history have had other jobs. You are unlikely to be in a situation where you have written one book and you are living off it. Getting millions of dollars as a writer is like winning the lottery. What I talk about in this episode is being in entrepreneur and a writer. I know it goes against every bone of your introvert-writer body, but it is something that is going to pay dividends in the long term. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Science and Creative Thinking, On How a Writer Should Read, On What You Should Write

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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