Realistic Writing and Realism are not the Same Things

Realistic Writing vs Realism? When confronted with that question, it may seem like the choices are the same, but realistic writing is different than realism. There can be a temptation to overwrite when creating prose. If I am trying to create prose to set a scene, I might be tempted to include every detail of the place I am describing, but when looking at how a person actually perceives a room, we find that he does not see all those details of the room. A person has a very narrow central vision and the fact that we understand a very small portion of what we can see may be an important clue to how we can convey reality. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Patience When Writing, On Discouragement, On Readers Getting Bored

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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