Developing Unique Story Ideas

I don’t think finding story ideas is difficult. If you went on a journey of asking any author whether it was difficult to find story ideas, you would only need to point to the millions of published books, and that author would have to agree that finding story ideas is easy. We exist in a sea of stories. What an author would say then is that finding unique story ideas is difficult. And I used to agree with this sentiment. I would worry that the story I told would be too similar to another’s story idea. And if my story idea was too similar, I am just putting out some odd inferior clone of a book already on the market.
Today, I do not think the process of generating story ideas is difficult at all. In fact, I find it to be one of the most fun aspects of the creative process. This is because I have found a way to find story ideas and develop those story ideas into something that has not been seen before.

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