An Easy Form of Character Development in Your Writing

I constantly talk about the idea that I think that the character is at the center of a story. You can agree or disagree with whether that is correct, but if it is correct that means that we should spend some time developing a character. Because I have a thousand different ideas about how to do every single aspect of writing (A thousand pieces for every piece is what I mean), I must have a way to develop characters, right? Right? Yes, of course. Do you think I am crazy? But I do not think that you should necessarily start with a character description or age or place of residence or favorite coffee drink. I don’t think there is one particular aspect of a character that is the key to writing a character, but I do think there is a strategy you can use so that it does not matter what aspect you start with, whether that aspect is the gum they chew or whether they lost a child in a train accident. I think this strategy will help any writer develop good characters who make logical sense.

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