Drafting a Book Without Going Insane: A Way to Actually Get Your First Draft Written

Writing the first draft of your book is hard. It is especially difficult when it is your first book. I am sure it can be a lot like running a marathon for the first time. Your legs keep moving. You know that you are making progress, but the finish line never feels like it is going to arrive. You are going to be running that marathon for the rest of your life. And doesn’t it feel like the exact same thing in writing your first draft? You keep on writing, but you know this book is endless. You know it is not even going to be finished by the time you die. And your only hope for finishing your book is that twelve generations beyond yourself are willing to pick up that book and continue your story.
Your first draft definitely feels that way sometimes, and, from what I remember writing my first book, it is often painful. But your first draft does not need to be painful.

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