The Necessary Space Between the Writing

Writing only consists of what is on the page, but it doesn’t, but it does, but it doesn’t. If you have ever thought about what writing is, you probably have realized that it is a very complex process. Speech is a complex process in and of itself, but writing goes beyond speech. It follows after speech. What I mean by that is it takes on the pattern of speech, but it is tweaking that pattern to fit into the new format of writing. When we approach writing, we often think that if we put things on the page in as clear a way as possible we will end up with good writing, but good writing is more complex than that. Good writing is not just the words on the page. Good writing is the interplay of the words with the person reading the words. This means that you do not have to convey every little detail of a thing for a reader to understand, and in a lot of cases, you shouold not.

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