Invisible Transitions

One of the things I learned about in school was the necessity of having transitions in my writing. If I did not have transitions, my writing would not flow. If my writing did not flow, people would not like my writing. If people did not like my writing, they would not like me. And if they decided they would not like me, they would flick cartons of old milk at my head. So, when I was younger, it was almost an imperative to make sure I used transitions because if I did not, the day would be both soggy and smelly. What I have learned since then is that the goal of good writing is to rarely if ever use transition words. But you do not jump from transition words to not using transition words. You need to develop a style of writing that supports omitting those transition words. Today on How to Write Good, I am going to be talking about the mindset you need to adopt so that you can get rid of those transition words.

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