Editing is Writing

I enjoy writing the first draft of my book. It is an opportunity to dive into something new. It is an opportunity to explore the thing that I have been daydreaming about in me head for the last few months (and in some cases, years). First drafts are fun to me. One of the reasons they are fun to me is because I write them so quickly. But editing. . . Editing can be a bit of a drag because I am trying to make all the mess of my first draft work. I am trying to get my book to that final polished state, and it is hard sitting in front of a computer screen to decide how I am going to change that huge over 100k typed document. One thing that has really helped me in my editing process is to not see editing as editing. I have shifted to see editing as writing. And I think you should too.

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My episode on editing:

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet: