What to Put in Your Chapters

If I were to ask the question, “What should you put in each chapter of your book?” you might look at me sideways. Finding out what to put in each of your chapters is easy to most writers. But this question is important. When you write a work of fiction, you start with nothing. Though you are constrained by a few things, such as the language you write in, the world is open to you. The story you can tell can go millions of different ways. Combinations are endless. As you develop your ideas for the story develop, you limit the possibilities for what you can put in your story, but the process of writing can still be full of unneeded information. What information is important to put in the larger sections of your book? What are the scenes that you need to put in to convey the experience you are trying to convey? On today’s episode of How to Write Good, I am going to be talking about how to can look at chapters so you can find how best to use each one.

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