Is the Book Done?

I think almost every single author I have run into says the same thing about finishing their book: though they have the book in a completed state, they could go on working on that book until the end of time. I am sure I could do this as well. There is a little gremlin in my mind that tells me I need to make something better whether it is good or not. So, I could spend the rest of my life on one book, and I would not actually complete that book. I would die with that book incomplete, because if I listened to that gremlin (his name is George, by the way), he would keep on telling me that it isn’t fit for print or the waste-basket.
One of the reasons I think that writers have trouble bringing their books to an ending is because they do not fully understand the functions of what they are writing. If they could understand why something exists within a story, they could see whether that thing served its purpose. Today, I will be talking about how your book fits together so you can take another step toward that ending.

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