What is Good Writing?

We all want good things. We want to eat good food. We want to listen to good music. We want our chair not to fall apart under us. We want the plane we are flying across the country not to fall from that sky. These are all good. And for some of these, it is clear to see why they are good. When we write, we want to write in a way that is good. Another way to say that is we want our writing to be good. But what is good writing? That is hard to say. When I look at writing, I can tell if it is good or bad. I have even seen writing so good that it makes me depressed, because I have a sense that I am never going to be that good (Looking at you, Ursula Le Guin). But even though I can see whether writing is good or bad, it is still difficult to see why that writing is good or bad.
Today, on How to Write Good, I am going to be talking about good writing. (It is like this podcast was made for an episode like this)

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