
The Reader Will Fill in the Gaps

A lot of writers are perfectionists. Personally, I think this is funny because the big authors I have run into who are perfectionists seem to not be that great of writers (Great sentence construction there, am I right?). Now, I am against perfectionism, but that is for another podcast episode (or maybe I’ve posted one […]

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the place artists exist in society

The Place Artists Take In Society

https://youtu.be/c3fdFtLWDAo For whatever reason, celebrities think they should be listened to. And it works. People see that someone has a following whether because they are an actor or an influencer on instagram (like me, lol, SAD), but it is generally the case that these people don’t know what the heck they are talking about. On

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How the Publishing Industry Should Work

How the Publishing Industry Should Work

The publishing industry has been around for quite some time. Nowadays, the advent of self-publishing pushes against traditional publishing, but indie publishing has only created a tiny dent. We still live in a world that is dominated by the traditional publishing industry. I think there is a good reason for that at this time. But

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Write for Non-Writers

Write for Non-Writers

Some writers are elitists. Some writers want to write the next great American novel (or English novel or Australian (if they read down there)). And writing for regular people is something that is left for bad writers. I think this is stupid (because I think a lot of things are stupid). Instead of writing for

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The Goal of Writing

The Goal of Writing

Why do we write? That is is common question I ask when thinking about writing. Some people think that writing is only to make words sound good together, but I think this misses the point of the writing completely. My Book:https://amzn.to/31UcCPg My Newsletter:danielpoppie.com/newsletter My Website:www.danielpoppie.com HTWG Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/howtowritegood HTWG Twitter:https://twitter.com/danielpoppie HTWG Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/danielpoppie One Last Toast for

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fantasy is another world

Fantasy is Another World

Some people dismiss fantasy fiction. They see it as something that is not serious. It is not considered high literature. High literature does not deal with things that aren’t real, or high literature carries around specific ideas. But fantasy is a very unique type of story. It allows us to go into a different world,

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