creative writing

How the Publishing Industry Should Work

How the Publishing Industry Should Work

The publishing industry has been around for quite some time. Nowadays, the advent of self-publishing pushes against traditional publishing, but indie publishing has only created a tiny dent. We still live in a world that is dominated by the traditional publishing industry. I think there is a good reason for that at this time. But

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Politics in Fiction

Politics in Fiction

Politics in annoying. Politics is the worst. I am not a fan of politics at all. Unfortunately, politics invades other spaces. Because politics involves others spaces, we need to talk about how we should approach politics in fiction. Should politics in fiction? Should we put politics in our work? What is the purpose of fiction?

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Should you use tropes?

Cowboy hats. Metal walls with rivets. Redshirts. Duels. Towering skycrapers. There are many tropes that show up in stories. Where these show up depends up which type of story they are in. Because these things have been used over and over again, people have learned to hate them. But if you are one of those

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Luck Doesn’t Make a Good Book

I have run into conversations where people talk about how Star Wars came together into a good movie by pure luck. George Lucas somehow caught lightning in a bottle. In some ways, it wasn’t even his hard work that made that first trilogy great. I don’t know about that because I don’t know enough about

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