how to be a better writer

Writing Follows the Sound of Language

Writing Follows the Sound of Language

I think Ursula Le Guin. If you want to read a writer who knew her craft (RIP), you should read some Ursula Le Guin. Of all the writers I have ever read, I think she is in the top 10 (seriously). So, when she says something about writing, I think that people should perk up

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Setting Aside Time to Write

Setting Aside Time to Write

Lisa Dordal gives the specific piece of advice that writers should sets aside a specific day for reading and writing instead of trying to write every day. I don’t think this is just a piece of writing advice, but a piece of advice we can apply across all types of platforms. Today, on How to

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Building Yourself Up to the Writing Process

Building Yourself Up to the Writing Process

Denis Johnson gives the advice that you should build yourself up to the actual act of writing. Johnson does this by what he calls “tinkering.” He takes time to play around with specific things within his writing, whether that be the voice a a character, dialogue, setting, etc. . . On Today’s episode of How

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why writing frustrates you

Why Writing Frustrates You

I was going to make this episode about how to finish your book. In the future, I will actually make an episode about that, but when I was going through this topic, I found I had something I needed to say about the act of writing itself. Specifically, I thought it was very important to

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