how to write good

The Uniqueness of Metaphor

Metaphors are fun. They may be one of my favorite things in writing. Of course, they aren’t the only thing in writing. Writing is a complex thing. Many different things go in to make writing happen, and good writing not only takes into account how the language works, but it also takes into account your […]

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Is the Book Done?

I think almost every single author I have run into says the same thing about finishing their book: though they have the book in a completed state, they could go on working on that book until the end of time. I am sure I could do this as well. There is a little gremlin in

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Seven Point Story Structure

Story structure is important. Each story must follow the structure of a story. To understand what stories are, people have developed story structures that we can use to understand and develop stories. You have probably heard about the three act story. You have probably heard about the five act story. It is less likely that

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The Five Act Story Structure

There are a lot of different ways you can go about planning a story. Some people are pantsers. Some people are plotters. If you are a pantser, I would encourage you to do some plotting. When we go about planning, we have several different ways to go about planning. People have set up several different

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A New Way to Look at Dialogue

I love dialogue. It is one of my favorite things to write. I am not sure of the entire reason behind that. I think part of it is because all fiction writing seems to direct itself toward dialogue, meaning that it is usually some sort of dialogue that creates the climax of the story. Another

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