how to write

The Importance of Craft in Writing Part 2

We continue to talk about craft this week . The meaning behind an artistic work is important. Knowing the meaning and even the process by which a work is created can help deepen the understanding of art. We have gone so far toward the direction of “meaning” that some have thrown out the quality of

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The Importance of Understanding History Part 3

We finish our discussion of why knowing and understanding history is important to your life and writing.

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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The Two Ways We Think: Writing with Both Your Brains

There are two ways we think. We have a deliberate way of thinking and a quick way of thinking. One thing to take into consideration when writing is that you do not have one brain; you have two. It is important to take into consideration these two halves of yourself, and the ways we think.

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Meaningfulness: Don’t Give Up Your Life for Writing

Meaningfulness is something we are all seeking. Some things seem more meaningful than others on their surface. It is easy to get swept up in things we love, but some of those things we love are more important than others. Writing is something that gives me a lot of happiness and joy, but I know

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The Power of Storytelling: Why Do We Enjoy Stories?

I launch the first edition of How to Write Good with a brief look into why people enjoy stories and what why people love stories and the power of storytelling. If you enjoy this episode, here are some others you might find interesting: On Modern Art, On Creativity and Imagination, On the Purpose of Art,

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