writing tips

What is tension? (The Foundation of Making Your Writing Suspenseful)

Have you ever read a book you can’t put down? You know, one of those books that makes you stay up so late in the night that by the time you put it down the sun has already started to rise? I think all of us have read at least one book that was so […]

What is tension? (The Foundation of Making Your Writing Suspenseful) Read More »

Creating Characters: Three Ways to Find Ideas for Your Characters

Character creation is something I enjoy a lot in stories. It isn’t my favorite part of writing, but it is in the top ten. One of the reasons I enjoy writing characters is because I do not find it a hard thing to do. The first step of developing characters for me is finding the

Creating Characters: Three Ways to Find Ideas for Your Characters Read More »

Character Development is Second; Choosing the Right Character is First

Did you know that characters are really important to your story? You did, huh? Are you aware that there is a way to develop a character starting with only know that this character has a small scar on the tip of his finger? Oh, so you did watch my other episode on that?It is usually

Character Development is Second; Choosing the Right Character is First Read More »

An Easy Form of Character Development in Your Writing

I constantly talk about the idea that I think that the character is at the center of a story. You can agree or disagree with whether that is correct, but if it is correct that means that we should spend some time developing a character. Because I have a thousand different ideas about how to

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World Building: Three Strategies and One Core Principle

Have you ever decided you wanted to write a book, but when you sit down to develop the ideas behind that story, you find that you never get out of the world building stage? All of us have gone through the same process. We draw a map. He fill in that map with countries and

World Building: Three Strategies and One Core Principle Read More »

Endless Story Ideas: Approaching Life as a Creative

Are you someone who looks enviously at others who are able to come up with ideas without effort. If that is the case, this episode is for you. These epiphanies writers, artists, musicians, etc. . . have do not come from nowhere. They are a specific mental process. It only looks like these people are

Endless Story Ideas: Approaching Life as a Creative Read More »

The Importance of Understanding History Part 3

We finish our discussion of why knowing and understanding history is important to your life and writing.

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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The Importance of Understanding History Part 3 Read More »