
Each Paragraph is a Thought

https://youtu.be/0EKkYzoLxek When I first started to write in school, I was taught that each sentence forms a complete thought. This is probably true. When linguists look at talking and writing, they probably say that a sentence is a thought. Even though this might be true, I think you need to shift your attitude about what […]

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Character Motivation

https://youtu.be/frq61OiWvx0 Character motivation and character goals are not the same thing. If you haven’t check out my episode on why that is the case, you should check it out. I think it is very important to know the differences between these two things because motivation can help make your writing and story very interesting. Because

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Creating Tension in Your Story

Tension is something within writing that I do not think exists on its face. I think writing requires an audience. A person needs to understand and connect to the story, and when the right person reads a piece of text, that person is able to understand the tension in the story. The writing does need

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Purple Prose and a movement toward Skinny Writing

Most writers know what purple prose is. Most try to make their writing contain as little writing as possible. I call this skinny writing. In this week’s episode, I talk about the utility of purple prose and skinny writing, when we should use both, and why I think that our writing culture has shifted toward

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The Importance of Craft in Writing Part 1

We take on craft this week . The meaning behind an artistic work is important. Knowing the meaning and even the process by which a work is created can help deepen the understanding of art. We have gone so far toward the direction of “meaning” that some have thrown out the quality of work. It

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The Importance of Understanding History Part 3

We finish our discussion of why knowing and understanding history is important to your life and writing.

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One Last Toast for Ebenezer Fleet

Intro and Exit Music Credit: Brain-Eating Zombies from Area 51 by Moolen

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The Importance of Understanding History Part 2

History is important. Some of you love history. Some of you think history is a snooze. Even if you don’t like history, I think it is important to know and understand history. Knowing and understanding history can help us make better decisions in our lives, but it can also help us write better. You read

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The Two Ways We Think: Writing with Both Your Brains

There are two ways we think. We have a deliberate way of thinking and a quick way of thinking. One thing to take into consideration when writing is that you do not have one brain; you have two. It is important to take into consideration these two halves of yourself, and the ways we think.

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Plot Structure and Treading the Same Ground

Plot structure that goes over the same information again and again are boring. I am sure most people have run into stories that tread the same ground in a dissatisfying way within their plot structure. When we write, should we repeat the same events and plot points? The answer seems to be no, and in

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